Step 3: Install ClamAV eCAP AdapterΒΆ

Checking downloaded files for viruses will be implemented using eCAP ClamAV adapter by Measurement Factory, see To download and compile all required packages, run script from core.redhat9 sub folder.


# all packages are installed as root
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
   echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
   exit 1

# install it
dnf -y install

# install clamav
dnf -y install gcc-c++ patch make tar
dnf -y install clamav clamav-update clamav-devel

# from now on every error is fatal
set -e

# download the sources
curl -O

# unpack
tar -xvzf ecap_clamav_adapter-2.0.0.tar.gz

# patch the CL_SCAN_STDOPT error
patch ecap_clamav_adapter-2.0.0/src/ <

# change into working dir
pushd ecap_clamav_adapter-2.0.0

# configure, make and install
./configure && make && make install

# and revert back

The following patch fixes CL_SCAN_STDOPT error, as indicated on

---	2023-08-08 08:43:01.319301759 -0400
+++	2023-08-08 08:45:04.093333050 -0400
@@ -44,8 +44,13 @@
     // We assume that cl_*() functions used here are threadsafe.
     const char *virname = 0;
-    const int eScanResult = cl_scanfile(answer.fileName.c_str(), &virname, 0, engine, CL_SCAN_STDOPT);
+    static struct cl_scan_options options = {};
+    {
+        options.parse |= ~0; // enable all parsers
+    }
+    const int eScanResult = cl_scanfile(answer.fileName.c_str(), &virname, 0, engine, &options);
     switch (eScanResult) {
     case CL_CLEAN:
         answer.statusCode = Answer::scClean;
@@ -58,7 +63,7 @@
         answer.statusCode = Answer::scError;
-        answer.errorMsg = cl_strerror(eScanResult);
+        answer.errorMsg = cl_strerror(static_cast<cl_error_t>(eScanResult));
@@ -71,7 +76,7 @@
     if (!initialized) {
         const int ret = cl_init(CL_INIT_DEFAULT);
         if (ret != CL_SUCCESS)
-            Throw("Can't initialize libclamav: ", cl_strerror(ret));
+            Throw("Can't initialize libclamav: ", cl_strerror(static_cast<cl_error_t>(ret)));
         initialized = true;
@@ -136,13 +141,13 @@
         /* load all available databases from default directory */
         int ret = cl_load(cl_retdbdir(), engine, &sigs, CL_DB_STDOPT);
         if (ret != CL_SUCCESS)
-            Throw("cl_load: ", cl_strerror(ret));
+            Throw("cl_load: ", cl_strerror(static_cast<cl_error_t>(ret)));
         // printf("Loaded %u signatures from %s\n", sigs, cl_retdbdir());
         // build engine
         if ((ret = cl_engine_compile(engine)) != CL_SUCCESS)
-            Throw("Database initialization error: ", cl_strerror(ret));;
+            Throw("Database initialization error: ", cl_strerror(static_cast<cl_error_t>(ret)));;
         memset(&dbstat, 0, sizeof(struct cl_stat));
         cl_statinidir(cl_retdbdir(), &dbstat);

Press Next to continue to Step 4.