Blocking Facebook and YouTube at Working HoursΒΆ

Sometimes blocking of social sites and streaming video sites like Facebook and YouTube is required at work place during working hours. The following steps allows us to do it.

  1. Open the Default policy / Filtering Rules / Site Categories and block the Social Networking and Video Sharing categories.

    ../../_images/blockfb1.png ../../_images/blockfb2.png
  2. Open Relaxed Policy, click Members tab and fill your network IP subnet (for example

  3. Click Schedule tab and activate the Relaxed policy on work days and appropriate non working hours like indicated on the screenshot. For example in our case we will apply Relaxed policy on all working days and only during 12:00-14:00 (lunch time for example).

  4. Click Save Changes and Reload button in the top right corner and then click red button Restart Squid Proxy and ICAP Server.

After restart access to Facebook and YouTube will be blocked by default with additional exceptions activated by the Relaxed policy during non working (lunch) hours. Please take into account your time settings and timezone settings on server must be correct for it to function properly.